
Sam Wheatley

Hi everyone, I'm Sam the host of Intellectual Potluck and Plotluck! I'm always happy for a good chat about anything, I love hearing about people and relating to people. But I have heaps of my own stories to share too. As a Brit living in Australia and married to an Aussie I could fill a book with funny stories from that alone.

I also have a day job working in digital marketing and social media, so I am very immersed in the social media world, and I have a lot of thoughts and opinions on that landscape that I would love to share.

I am also a self proclaimed gamer - I love all kinds of games: video games, board games, role playing games, the lot. So that is something I am more than happy to talk about.

But yeah mostly I'm just here to spread some kindness and good times to people. That's what I do on my pod, and that's what I'd love to do as a guest or in a collaboration.