Intellectual Potluck

Nickelback: Respect the Back

Sam Wheatley Season 1 Episode 3

To kick off this brand new podcast, Intellectual Potluck host Sam is focusing on Unpopular Opinions, whether that's from Sam or her guest for the episode! This episode Sam is joined once again by her partner Grant to talk about the second love of his life: Nickelback!

Nickelback have had a lot of hate over the years - they've even made a documentary about it. But Grant is an avid Nickelback fan (and some of his fandom has even rubbed off on Sam) - so we wanted to chat about why, and why we think they get so much hate.

Whether you love or hate them, join us and help us figure out how Nickelback are somehow one of the most successful bands of all time, but also the most hated!

Relevant links:

IMDB Nickelback documentary - showing on Netflix as of date episode is posted
"Respect the Back" video

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